Greg Banning Greg Banning

“My view of the first day of sentencing for Pat King.”

“Day one of Pat King’s sentencing was full of tension—only to learn the judge’s decision may take over a week. From the jurors’ box, I captured the scene using Procreate and an iPad.”

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Greg Banning Greg Banning

Being a Courtroom Artist

Pat King during his first appearance in court.

While updating my social media accounts, I was intending on simply posting some of my current court art from the past year. However, I began to reflect on how and why I came to drawing in court to begin with and thought I would share it here as well.

It was never something I wanted to do in the first place, and frankly I was nervous about going into court and maybe failing miserably at it.

My first opportunity to do a court sketch came from the Ottawa Citizen at the Ontario Courthouse downtown. After moving from metro Toronto to an Ottawa suburb, I was looking for any excuse get out of the house and at the very least grab a coffee and sandwich at a Starbucks or café downtown.

Reflecting back on this now, I realize my motivation wasn't just getting out of the house, it was saying "yes" to a new opportunity. I wasn't doing it for the money - I was doing it because it was new, scary, and a challenge. Actually, as it turns out, it wasn't that scary. The courts arewelcoming and I got to work along side some great reporters and producers.

Mike Duffy in the final days of his court appearance.

I've done some really good drawings and a lot of awful ones too. The not so great ones I try not to critique too harshly, instead judge them on the situation and the time I had to do them in. Overall my average is pretty good and has led to more doors being opened for me as well as my 15 minutes of fame being interviewed on Canada Am and CBC radio.

Over the years I've drawn some really bad people, a lot that weren’t bad but had made wrong choices and some that people thought were bad but ultimately proved their innocence.

No matter the subject, it's all very interesting and though you can’t really make a great living as a courtroom artist, it's turned out to be a great part-time job and I love doing it.

Tamara Lich during one of her many bail hearings.

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Greg Banning Greg Banning

My first doodle using Procreate on an iPad Pro.

I just bought the new iPad Pro 12.9 and I'm slowly getting used to drawing with it. Procreate seems to be the best app (so far) to work with. The feel of the iPad pencil on the iPad Pro is very different from the pen I use with my Wacom Cintq.

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Greg Banning Greg Banning

Some recent work.

Match MG Canada - Snickers

Match MG Canada - Snickers

The Richards Group - 7UP

The Richards Group - 7UP

Match MG Canada - Lindros

Match MG Canada - Lindros

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Greg Banning Greg Banning

Recent work done for the The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair.

Comps used for concept.

Some of the final vector artwork.

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TorontoMapleLeafs, Toronto, MapleLeafs, Leafs, TML Greg Banning TorontoMapleLeafs, Toronto, MapleLeafs, Leafs, TML Greg Banning

Toronto Maple Leafs Top 100 Poster Process

Step into my creative process as I illustrate the Toronto Maple Leafs One Hundred poster, capturing the team’s rich history and iconic moments. From initial concept sketches to final details, I bring each element to life with dynamic composition and meticulous attention to detail. Printed with high-quality materials, this artwork is a must-have for passionate Leafs fans. Explore my process and shop exclusive prints today!


 Last year I was lucky enough to be contacted by the Toronto Maple Leafs to design and illustrate a poster commemorating the top 100 Maple Leafs of all time. The posters were sold at Canadian Tire stores throughout the GTA with proceeds going to Canadian Tire JumpStart.

As a hockey fan this was a pretty cool gig but not without its challenges. The main one was that I would have to illustrate a hundred of the top Maple Leafs of all time, as voted by the fans, and it had to be done in a month. On top of the that I had to figure out how I was going to showcase each player without emphasizing one over another.

This was one of those gigs were you say ‘sure I can do it’ but you’re wary of the deadline. I wanted to paint this so badly but the deadline and the scope of the project made it pretty evident I would have to do something outside of the box.

This meant I wasn’t going to be able to illustrate it completely in Corel Painter. I would have to utilize Adobe Photoshop and "gradients" would be the key. Now I just had to come up with the design.

After a number of concepts the final idea was so simple and it fit the criteria of "not emphasizing one player over another". Before I even sketched it I knew the Leafs would love it. Thankfully my confidence was rewarded.

At this point, time was getting tight. On top of that the final list of players had yet to be decided. At least I had the top twenty to start with and Dave Keon was number one. The first two rows were tough. I had a lot of work sitting the players on the bench because I would have to draw their legs. After that was completed, it was a lot easier to do the rest because I just needed their waist up and I could duplicate the uniforms.

Now here’s my confession. As I said earlier… I would have loved to have drawn the whole thing from scratch but there was no way.

My solution or what I would like to say “technique” was to assemble the best photo reference I could find, clean them up, smooth out any pixelation and draw in anything that was missing. I wanted the players at this stage to be in greyscale for a number of reasons. First, I was colouring them using gradients in Adobe Photoshop so having them in greyscale would allow me to colour them with the same colour palette. Uniformity was important to give the illusion of the players all being together for the team photo and with the 10 decades of reference, the photos were all of various resolutions and quality. Now the process of colouring became an assembly line.

Which was huge because I was able to employ my friend and fellow illustrator Trevor Johnston to help apply colour.

The final stage was then placing the players together onto the background (which I painted separately). I used Corel Painter for all the drawing and painting and it came in very handy applying the finishing touches. A lot of work went in to creating the soft edges that blended the players together and into their surroundings.

Greyscale Drawing

Applied Gradient


Concept 1

Concept 1

Approved Concept

Approved Concept

Seating Chart

Seating Chart

Johnny Bower Test

Johnny Bower Test

Dave Keon Test

Dave Keon Test

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Greg Banning Greg Banning

Mike Duffy Trial Archive

The end is insight for Sen. Mike Duffy's long running trial. With that, I finally compiled all the colour digital sketches from my 61 days at the trial. (Actually 60, I missed one day to attend my son's Christmas pageant.) 

Now I'm on to cataloging the corresponding pencil sketches that I used from my sketch book.

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Sports Greg Banning Sports Greg Banning

Daniel Afredsson WIP (Work In Progress)

I started this one about a year ago as practise then I kinda liked it... tried to finish it...then I hated it... and then put it away. Now I thought if I find sometime I'll try to finally finish it over the Christmas Holidays. I still need to finish the little Alfie and I'd like to add snow coming off his skate blade. I'd be interested in some feedback. 

Daniel Alfredsson
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Greg Banning Greg Banning

Mike Duffy court sketch from November 25th

Heather and Mike Duffy. She has been by his side everyday of the trial.

Media: Pencil on Heavyweight paper from my sketchbook. Colour is added digitally using Corel Painter 2016.

Notes: One of my personal favourites because my sketch was solid which made it very easy to finish up quickly. 

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Greg Banning Greg Banning

It's Done!

It's done.... It's done.... I finally finished the art for "Go Ahead and Dream". Without revealing too much here are a few crops from the pages of the book.

© Greg Banning 2012
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Greg Banning Greg Banning

Another drawing from "Go Ahead And Dream".

At this rate it's going to take me another year to finish. 
Really... books are a labour of love.

This is actually a vignette. I'm including my reference this time.

© Greg Banning 2011
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Greg Banning Greg Banning

Another page from "Go Ahead and Dream"

Here's 1/2 of a double page spread that I finished drawing tonight. It features my beautiful wife and my stepdaughter.
All the reference photos were shot separately which didn't make things easy for me. So I had alot of work trying to figure out scale. Does it work?
I forgot to mention last time, that the pencils are drawn digitally using a tweaked 2B Pencil brush in Corel Painter 12.

© Greg Banning 2011
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